Difference Between Marble And Granite

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Marble Vs Granite

Marble vs Granite one of the toughest decisions for house owners, builders, buyers, engineers, and contractors. When it comes to buying a new house or renovating an existing one, the homeowners get confused while selecting one from the two natural stones marble and granite.

Due to a lack of knowledge and information regarding these stones create a lot of confusion during their selection. Which one should I use? And where should I use it? These basic questions come to mind when choosing between marble and granite.

Both marble and granite are equally popular among buyers and house owners, and both of them are attractive and beautiful, and they can bring a pleasing aesthetic element to the house.

What Is Marble?

Marble is a metamorphic rock, composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals such as calcite and dolomite. The word “marble” is derived from the Ancient Greek word “marmaron” which means “crystalline rock shining stone”.

It is a rock resulting from the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks like limestone or dolomite rock. This process causes variable recrystallization of the original carbonate mineral grains. Thus marble is formed.

There are many varieties of marble available around the world. Each one of them has different properties, color, and origin too.

For example, pantelis marble is pure white in color, and originated in Greece, and Makrana marble is white colored marble that originated from Rajasthan, India. Taj Mahal was constructed using Makrana marble.

Marbles are primarily used for buildings, sculptures, interior decoration, tabletops, etc. The most important qualities of marble are color and appearance. Due to these qualities, marble is extensively used and very popular among homeowners.

Marble Vs Granite

What Is Granite?

Granite is a medium or coarse grained igneous rocky hat that is rich in elements like quartz and feldspar. Other than that, it also consists minor amount of minerals like mica and amphiboles.

It is formed by the cooling of magma present at a certain depth of the earth’s surface. Feldspar is the principal constituent of granite.

Due to its composition, granite is obtained in colors like red, pink, grey, or white. The dark colored grains in granite are large enough to be visible to the naked eye.

Granite is one of the best igneous rocks. It is very popular due to its wide variety and uses. Granite is extensively used for making objects that are everyday used by people. These objects include countertops, floor tiles, paving stone, curbing, stair treads, building veneers, etc.

Marble Vs Granite

Granite is also used for the construction of famous monuments like:

  • Mount Rushmore in South Dakota
  • Brihadeshwar temple in India
  • Avukana buddha statue in Sri Lanka
  • Diana, princess of wales memorial fountain in London
  • Vietnam veterans memorial in Washington, DC

Difference Between Marble And Granite

Marble Vs Granite

Marble vs granite is a tough decision for homeowners when it comes to building or renovating a house or any such property. Both of them are often mistaken for one another.

Though marble and granite are aesthetically pleasing, both have their merits. That’s why it is important to learn the difference between marble vs granite. Marble and granite are different in many aspects. They are as given below:

  1. Origin
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Durability
  4. Cost
  • Let us learn each of the difference in detail below:

1. Origin

Both marble vs granite are natural stones. To acquire these stones, mining and excavation are necessary processes. Marble is a sedimentary rock. It is obtained when big rocks are naturally broken down into smaller pieces. This natural design of stone appears due to its exposure to extreme heat and pressure.

Granite is an igneous rock. The formation of granite includes cooling down and solidification of molten lava present under the surface of the earth. It goes through periodic heating and cooling, which is responsible for the properties of granite like durability and hardness.

2. Aesthetics

Both marble and granite are known for their appearance. It is one of the main reasons that they are used extensively for decorative construction and architecture.

A layman, at first would not be able to differentiate between marble vs granite as they look alike. However, their unique physical features differentiate them from each other.

For instance, the veins running down a slab of marble are relatively larger with fairly consistent colors, whereas the veins on a granite slab are smaller and appear as specks on the surface. Granite also differs in color and it contains a variety of hues.

3. Durability

When it comes to hardness and durability, both the stones are highly durable subject to if proper care of them is taken. Marble is more porous than granite. It is likely to get affected more by stains and spills. Marble is also weak against acidic liquids.

Granite is comparatively less porous than marble but still, it can be affected by stains and spills. Sometimes sealants are used to improve its ability to resist stains and spills.

4. Cost

Costing includes material cost, installation cost, and maintenance cost. The cost of marble is slightly more than the cost of granite. It also depends on factors like vendors, quality of the stone, the quantity bought, etc.

Before buying a particular stone, all the costs related to it shall be considered and it is advisable to consult professionals.

So that’s the difference between Marble Vs Granite. I hope you have now enough knowledge about it. Which material you will choose between Marble Vs Granite for your home? Let me know in the comments.

Types Of Building Plans Used In Construction

Architectural / Types Of Building Plans Used In Construction

Building plan is the most important thing we need to start any building construction project. It gives a clear idea of how the building will look after the completion of construction. Building plans are also useful in estimating building materials, project costs, and budgets. In this article, we will discuss different types of building plans used in construction.


What Is Building Plan?

A building plan is simply a graphical representation of a building and its different elements. It contains different types of plans of a building such as site plan, floor plan, structural plan, cross-sections, elevations, electrical detailing, plumbing, and landscape drawings.

The construction is done followed by such plans and drawings. Building plan is sometimes also referred as building drawing, architectural plan, or architectural drawing.

Types Of Building Plans

The different types of building plans are as follows:

  1. Site Plan
  2. Floor Plan
  3. Structural Plan
  4. Terrace Plan
  5. Cross-section
  6. Elevation
  7. Landscape plan

1. Site Plan

Site plan is the first design made for any project that represents the whole plan of the construction site. Site plans contain details of property boundaries, access to the site, and existing structures on or near the construction project, such as roads and buildings.

The site plan also shows all the service connections such as water supply, drainage, and sewer lines, electrical lines, communication cables, etc. Site plan must comply with the existing bye-laws and local development codes.

2. Floor Plan

2. Floor Plan

Floor plan is one of the most interesting types of building plans. It is the top view of a floor layout. Floor plans are a form of vertical orthographic projection which is represented by a plan cut at sill level of windows on that floor.

Buildings with multiple levels generally have different floor plans for each level. Floor plans include specifications such as

  • Dimensions of rooms (room sizes),
  • Dimensions of interior and exterior walls,
  • Dimensions of doors, windows,
  • Positions of furniture,
  • Stairs and their direction.

Floor plans are typically two types

  • 2d floor plan
  • 3d floor plans

2D floor plan is a flat representation of the floor layout that shows measurements of rooms, walls doors, windows, stairs, etc.

3D floor plan shows the actual look of the entire building with furniture from above. It gives you a chance to see your fully furnished and decorated building before its completion.

3. Structural Plan

This type of plan provides a complete view of structural aspect of the building. The structural plan contains location, nomenclature, size and placement of reinforcement, details of structural elements, and load-carrying members of the building. Structural plan is very important because it focuses on the strength of the structure.

4. Terrace Plan

The terrace plan is the plan at the roof level of the building. It shows stair cabin, lift cabin (if any) overhead water tanks, etc along with roof drainage pattern. The terrace plan also shows the parapet walls.

5. Cross-section

Section plan is a vertical cut section through the building showing the details of dimension, thickness of any component of a building. In simple, it shows the view of a structure in sliced form. Section plan includes

  • Floor height,
  • Sill height,
  • Lintel height,
  • Beams
  • Columns etc.

The section plan is represented in the 2d floor plan by a bold dotted straight line.

6. Elevation

Elevation plan drawing is an orthographic projection that shows one side face of the building. It is a 2d drawing of the building’s facade. The main purpose of elevation drawing is to show the finished look of a particular side of the building.

Elevation plans are two types:

  • External Elevation
  • Internal Elevation

i) External Elevation

The external elevation shows the exterior of the building. It provides the details of type of finish, floor height, and projections. Exterior elevation can be represented in 2D or 3D drawings.

2d drawings typically provide measurements whereas 3D renderings show an exact look of your building when completed.

ii) Internal Elevation

Internal elevations provide a pre-visualization of the building’s interior. It shows the interior of different rooms along with the details of paint color, furniture designs, lighting types, and floor patterns. Internal elevations are mostly represented in 3D form.

7. Landscape Drawings

A perfect home or building is always incomplete without proper landscaping. If you want a small garden in your backyard, or want to add foliage and walkways in your complex. Then you should consider hiring a landscape planner. A landscape professional will surely help you beautification your outdoor.

Landscape plan provides all the details of flowers, plants, sidewalks, lawn decorations, fountains swimming pools (if any), etc. A proper landscape design can enhance the living area and increase your property value. This is why landscape plan has become one of the top trending types of building plans in today’s world.

Architectural Symbols For Doors, Windows, Kitchen, Plumbing, Sanitary Fittings, & Building Materials

What Is an Architectural Symbol?

All engineering drawings include a particular way of representation. The representation can be done by using specific symbols representing the element to be built in that particular place or area. These symbols provide a visual model of the structure to be constructed.

Like other engineering drawings, Architecture drawings also include some symbols that help give an easy presentation of the project to non-technical persons or clients.

These architectural symbols are necessary and must be included in the architectural drawing as they are easy to understand. So in this article, we have rounded up various architectural symbols used in construction.

Different Architectural Symbols

1. Door Symbols In Architecture Drawing

We know that 99% of the structures built require doors at their entry/exit point, and doors are the main elements of the structure that play a vital role in individual privacy and security. 

So, it is essential to specify the position of the door in the drawing using door symbols. Door symbols help the workers, contractors, or clients understand where doors will be located in the building.

The below-given door symbols are commonly used in architectural drawings to represent the door position in the structure.

Door symbol

2. Window Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Like doors, windows are the second most crucial element in the building, which play an essential role in the ventilation and security of the house or building. 

Using window symbols in architectural drawings gives an idea of where they will be positioned and what type of windows will be installed.

Window symbol
Window symbol

3. Wall Symbols In Architecture Drawing

It is necessary to assign door symbols in architectural drawings because the project involves the construction of different types of walls with different designs, such as the main wall, parapet wall, compound wall, and other decorative walls. 

So, each wall must be represented with a particular symbol showing the type of material and design used during construction.

Below are some wall symbols that represent what type of material to use to construct the wall; materials are represented using patterns such as brick, sand, concrete, gravel, rock, swamp, and fence. Refer to the below image.

Wall symbol

4. Kitchen Elements Symbols In Architecture Drawing

The kitchen includes several elements, from a cabinet to a washbasin which must be mentioned in the architecture drawing using Kitchen Elements symbols to avoid future problems.

These architectural symbols help in visual representation and help decide the space or the area for a particular element.

These kitchen element symbols include cabinets, electric range, washbasin, refrigerator, gas range, sink, etc.

Kitchen floor symbol

5. Sanitary Fitting & Plumbing Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Sanitary fittings are an essential element of a structure as they help keep the area hygienic. Sanitary fitting includes Hand washbasins. Sinks (glazed or stainless-steel sinks), Bathtubs., Water closets, Urinals, and Flushing cisterns.

These sanitary fitting positions must be mentioned in the architecture drawing using Sanitary fittings symbols. Using these architectural symbols will make it easier to understand the drawing and execute it properly without any confusion.

Bathroom symbol
Plumbing fixture symbol

6. Landscape Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Landscape symbols are architectural symbols that help to represent the landscape view of the buildings; landscape includes the representation of the building surroundings such as lawns, gardens, trees, patios, etc.

Below are some of the landscape symbols commonly used in architecture drawing to represent the building landscape.

Landscaping symbols

Building Material Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Building materials symbols represent the type of material used for the construction or installation of particular structure elements.

Building materials such as brick, steel, bronze, plastic, aluminum, cement, concrete, sand, wood, etc., are usually represented using specific patterns, as shown in the below image.

Using these building materials symbols gives clear instructions to the contractor on what type of material or pattern to be used during the construction.

Building Material Symbols

8. Service Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Service symbols are used to represent building services like rainwater outlets, passive vents, boiler flue, soil vent pipes, water inlets, outlets, etc.

Using service symbols in architecture Drawing gives clear instructions on where and what service elements to install.

9. Lighting Symbols In Architecture Drawing

These symbols are used to represent the type of lighting to be installed. There are many lights based on their placement area, such as indoor lights, outdoor lights, decorative lights, etc.

Specifying a particular Lighting symbol will be easier to understand the drawing and execute it properly without any confusion.

Lightning symbols

10. Furniture Symbols In Architecture Drawing

Furniture symbols are used in architecture drawing to represent the design layout of furniture placements in the living room, dining hall, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Furniture symbols include sofa, chair, table, bar counter, couch, stool, etc.

Furniture symbols